
Volume 7, No. 4(46), 2023

Arkhipov P.A., Kolychev A.V., Chernyshov M.V., Kernozhitsky V.A.
Thermal emission cooling of aircraft elements. Review of modern studies


Kravchunovsky A.P.
Microvibration analysis methods review


Timofeev V.V., Trifanov I.V., Patraev E.V.
Mathematical modeling of the technological process of twisting a waveguide


Grits V.I.
Methods and means of measuring the gain and ellipticity coefficient of spacecraft antennas


Gornostaev A.I.
Measures for attenuation of interference at the level of design of the measuring device of spacecraft


Lobanov D.K., Oreshenko T.G., Schmidt A.E.
Algorithm for identifying RLC parameters


Fateev A.V., Vilkov Y.V., Chebotarev V.E., Matylenko M.G., Titov G.P.
Precision space telescope attitude determination and control system design principles


Ilin V.D., Mashtakov A.P.
Formulation of the problem of structured-element modeling of jet interference in a nozzle block


Romanov R.V.
Creation of a simulation model of a solar battery


Tyapkin V.N., Gladyshev A.B., Dmitriev D.D.
Study of the accuracy characteristics of a GNSS receiver with an antenna array


Volume 7, No. 3(45), 2023

Shirokov A.D., Feoktistov D.A., Oreshenko T.G., Fedorov M.S., Chubar A.V.
Verification of frequency characteristics of load devices declared by the manufacturer


Titova A.S., Sablin A.S., Zagainov M.A., Kuznetsov S.A.
Features of dynamic load analysis of spacecraft rotational drive mechanisms


Shagov A.V., Sukhotin V.V., Zubov T.A.
Computer model of the transponder for the analysis of phase distortions of the signal


Ivanov A.V., Kushnir K.A., Simonova M.S.
Development method of splitting the radio-reflective large-sized reflector surface into cutting patterns made of mesh with coarse cells


Timofeev V.V., Trifanov I.V., Patraev E.V.
Mathematical modeling of cross-corrugated waveguide shell formation


Yatsenko M.Yu., Vorontsov V.A., Ryzhkov V.V.
System engineering research of a multirotor aircraft as a prospective technical means of exploring the atmosphere and surface of the planet Venus


Volume 7, No. 2(44), 2023

Kislitsky M.I.
The main directions of research and development of BSTU «VOENMEH» named after D. F. Ustinov on the subject of small spacecraft and some results


Suvorova E.A., Stepanov V.E., Olenev V.L.
Analysis of the SpaceFibre technology for the high-bandwidth onboard networks


Shirobokov O.V., Matveev S.A., Slobodzyan N.S., Gorbunov A.V.
Assessment of vibration suppression methods for spacecraft electric pump unit


Matveev S.A., Slobodzyan N.S., Kiselev A.A., Zhukov Yu.A., Korotkov E.B.
Increasing the static and dynamic accuracy of the parallel structure mechanism for space application


Ponomarev K.E., Strelnikov I.V.
Prospects for the application of various methods of vibration processing in the welded structures of spacecraft


Chichkova E.F., Kochin D.A., Rogachev S.A.
Information and analysis service and technology for monitoring potentially hazardous areas from satellite multi-spectral sensing data


Karachevtseva I.P., Dubov S.S., Andreev M.V., Garov A.S., Zubarev A.E., Nadezhdina I.E., Kozlova N.A., Slodarzh N.A.
Open spatial data for the exploration of territories and digital services for accessing them


Dalabaev P.B., Petrukhin B.M., Usovik I.V., Bogaty A.V.
On the experience of integrating scientific and educational institutions in projects to limit anthropogenic impact on near-Earth space


Zavialova N.A., Negodyaev S.S., Kuznetsov A.A., Zavialov I.N., Fukin I.I., Semaka V.Yu., Grishin P.A.
Software package «Integral» for modeling space constellations and space vehicles


Kubrikov M.V.
Digital twin in the system of external adaptive control of robot manipulators


Volume 7, No. 1(43), 2023

Diatlov N.S., Glazkin D.N., Anufreichik K.V., Chulkov I.V., Butorkin A.S., Semenov A.V., Nikiforov A.V.
Redundant BLDC motors control system for scientific uncrewed space missions


Bakry I.
Methodology of estimation the parameters permissible values of the aerodynamic and inertial asymmetry of the martian probe


Fedotov M.Yu.
Features of creating a system of simultaneous built-in testing of deformation and temperature of composite structures by fiber-optic sensors


Soe Thu Oo Paing
Optimization of the launch profile of geostationary spacecraft with electric propulsion system using Falcon-9 launch vehicle


Shirokov A.D., Feoktistov D.A., Оreshenko T.G., Fedorov M.S., Chubar A.V.
Automation of low-thrust engine testing


Kushchenko K.I., Zheleznyakov Yu.V., Voloshchuk A.V., Filonov A.A., Tolmachev A.A.
The use of a neural network in solving problems of recognition and classification of spacecraft by their optical images


Blumberg R.S., Sukhotin V.V., Sizykh O.I.
Method of determining the coordinates of the radio signal source in satellite communication systems


Dementyev A.N., Novikov A.N., Arsenyev K.V., Kurkin A.N., Zhukov А.O., Kartsan I.N.
Mathematical model of spatial and temporal processing of broadband signals in satellite radio systems of broadband access and radio navigation


Sosnovsky M.R., Sukhotin V.V., Baskov A.P.
Computer model of a signal filtering device for a monitoring earth station
