
The use of international standards in the design of new tracking, telemetry and command subsystems for spacecraftsAuthors
A.V. Mishurov, S.P. PankoOrganization
Siberian Federal UniversityKrasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
The issues of the use of the standard of the Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS) are considered. It is shown that CCSDS recommendations lag behind the current level of science and technology, which is caused, first of all, by the long period between the revision of recommendations. This is shown in the example of the range tracking of a spacecraft. In the CCSDS recommendations, the issue of simultaneous command transmission and a range-wise pseudo-random sequence is mainly considered as the purpose of using different frequency subcarriers. However, this contradicts the requirement to reduce the bandwidth of occupied frequencies. It is shown that it is most productive to use command and rangefinding pseudo-random sequences of the same duration. It is important to alternately emit the command and rangefinder sequences and measure the range of both sequences. The highest accuracy of measuring range is achieved when the lengths of rangefinder and command sequences are equal. One more aspect not considered by CCSDS is shown, – the accuracy of measuring the radial component of the speed of the spacecraft. Based on the results of the CCSDS standards assessment, it is concluded that it is necessary to develop their subspecies – a domestic standard that takes into account both modern modulation / demodulation methods and aimed at protecting the command channel from unauthorized interference and improving the accuracy of measuring current navigational parameters such as the range and speed of the spacecraft regarding the ground control.Keywords
spacecraft, ground control, telemetry, range tracking, CCSDSReferences
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For citing this article
Mishurov A.V., Panko S.P. The use of international standards in the design of new tracking, telemetry and command subsystems for spacecrafts // The Research of the Science City, 2017, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 11-15.
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