

№2 2017


Investigation of force and thermal loading of jet deflectors of launch complexes of space rockets during the work of water supply systems


B.E. Sinilshchikov, V.B. Sinilshchikov


Baltic State Technical University «VOENMEH» named after D .F. Ustinov
Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation


In the most of modern launch complexes of space rockets the water supply systems are used to defend the surfaces acted directly upon by high-temperature jet flows from melting. The paper presents the estimation for parameters of force and heat loads of jet deflector during the work of intra-jet and extrajet water supply systems. The method of numerical simulation for two-phase gas-droplet flows is used. The description of a mathematical model is given. For description of gas flow the Navier-Stokes equations completed with an algebraic model of turbulence are applied, this model being similar to the Prandtl one but taking into account the influence of a droplet phase. Thermodynamic parameters are determined by the model of ideal gas for a mechanical mixture of three components: combustion products, atmospheric air, and vapor (steam) formed as a result of water evaporation. The flow of a droplet phase is calculated on the base of continual approach with using the elements of trajectory approach. The resistance, evaporation of droplets, and droplet breakup are taken into consideration. The calculation is performed for the range from the nozzle section of the rocket engine to the jet deflector. The values of heat flows in the surface are estimated by means of the parameters of a gas-droplet flow impinging upon a barrier. The results of calculation are presented for the versions which differ in the scheme of water supply systems, disposition of branch tubes, and spray velocity and dispersability.


rocket engine, jet, jet deflector, water supply, heat flows, evaporation, breakup


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For citing this article

Sinilshchikov B.E., Sinilshchikov V.B. Investigation of force and thermal loading of jet deflectors of launch complexes of space rockets during the work of water supply systems // The Research of the Science City, 2017, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 61-71.

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