

№1 2020


Development of an automated system for deploying software for automated workstations of the spacecraft flight control center


1M.A. Prokhorov, 1A.Yu. Tsvetkov, 2A.A. Tolmachev


1Mozhaisky Military Space Academy
Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation
2Military Aerospace Defense Academy
Tver, Russian Federation


At present, the daily and combat activities of almost any army in the world are largely determined by the quality of information and space support. At the same time, the quality of support depends largely on the stability of the functioning of such unique technical facilities as spacecraft flight control centers. Based on the features of building new and upgrading existing flight control centers, their susceptibility to destructive information influences has been established. In this regard, the only way to guarantee the recovery of the information management system after information and technical impact was determined, namely, the complete redeployment of automated workplaces, including the reinstalling of operating systems, general software and special software. To ensure the efficiency of recovery of the system under consideration, the need to automate the deployment of software for automated workstations of the spacecraft flight control center was justified. The results of the analysis of existing approaches to software deployment have shown the need for implementation directly disrespecting methods. Based on this, the complex software deployment process was formalized, and the structure of the automated software deployment system for automated workstations of the spacecraft flight control center was proposed, the use of which will ensure the necessary level of stability in the implementation of technological cycles of spacecraft control in particular, and the quality of information and space support for troops in General.


automated system, destructive information impact, software deployment, efficiency, infrastructure stability


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For citing this article

Prokhorov M.A., Tsvetkov A.Yu., Tolmachev A.A. Development of an automated system for deploying software for automated workstations of the spacecraft flight control center // Spacecrafts & Technologies, 2020, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 20-27. doi: 10.26732/

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