

№1 2022


Mathematical modeling of an unmanned object motion control system in SimInTech environment


V.A. Myznikova, V.V. Ustimenko, A.V. Chubar, I.V. Solopko


Siberian Federal University
Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation


In today's world robotic devices are more and more often used to help people. They solve both domestic and industrial problems. When designing any object inevitably have to deal with testing under different conditions. To do this can build a test model, but if the object is quite complex and several models need to be built at once, to save labor and material resources can help mathematical modeling. This article presents mathematical modeling of processes based on typical functional blocks in the form of systems of differential-algebraic equations. Mathematical modeling and control algorithm as a set of interrelated structures are considered. The robot motion is simulated for the forward direction of rotation of wheels, the reverse direction of rotation, and the opposite directions of rotation. A model of the control device, which forms the control actions on the wheel motor according to the value of the deviation of the current orientation of the wheeled robot from the preset one, is constructed. These influences allow you to bring the orientation of the robot to the desired orientation. Quality metrics are obtained for various values of the rotational speed of the work. Although this model neglects the action of many forces that arise during the motion, it allows us to identify the influence on the motion and trajectory of the robot of such factors as the radius of the wheels, the distance between them, the magnitude of the voltage applied to the motors during the turn.


mobile robot, modeling, motion trajectory, control algorithm


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For citing this article

Myznikova V.A., Ustimenko V.V., Chubar A.V., Solopko I.V. Mathematical modeling of an unmanned object motion control system in SimInTech environment // Spacecrafts & Technologies, 2022, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 45-54. doi: 10.26732/

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