

№1 2023


Automation of low-thrust engine testing


A.D. Shirokov, D.A. Feoktistov, T.G. Оreshenko, M.S. Fedorov, A.V. Chubar


Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology
Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation


The article discusses the key role of the use of automation in the stands, as well as the ignition system of the stand of low-thrust engines and the features of its operation as part of the stand. The ignition system scheme was developed, assembled and worked out, on the basis of which the ignition of the components of the propulsion system mixture will be carried out. The ignition system was tested by directly connecting the power supply to the circuit, which during the tests showed its suitability for use due to the long and continuous operation of the system. The power was turned on by controlling relay switches based on the Arduino MEGA 2560. Also, an algorithm was developed for the operation of the automation system for switching on, off and checking the entire system before testing the propulsion system on the stand of low-thrust engines to ensure automation and safety of using the stand. This algorithm includes control of two channels of the oxidizer and fuel pipeline, emergency power off, opening and closing of cut-off valves, taking readings and checking pressure gauges and flow meters, as well as shutting down the system after testing low-thrust engines using an Arduino MEGA controller.


ignition system, test bench, spacecraft, propulsion system, low-thrust engine


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For citing this article

Shirokov A.D., Feoktistov D.A., Оreshenko T.G., Fedorov M.S., Chubar A.V. Automation of low-thrust engine testing // Spacecrafts & Technologies, 2023, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 44-50. doi: 10.26732/

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